Brand and domain name protection on Internet
Your brands are exposed to daily attacks on the Internet. To act efficiently, you have to identify the damage caused easyly. Namebay offers all the services designed to monitor and protect your brands:


Domain name monitoring

Web Monitoring
An inventory to set appropriate actions

Your brands are genuine intangible assets: by monitoring their use on Internet and by acting against abuses, you are placing yourself in an active global protection, which will prevent revenue loss, improve your image and value your brand.
In order to implement pertinent actions adapted to your need, Nameshield firstly recommends to take a photography of the use of your brand. This inventory at a specific moment in time, allows to understand how your brand is used, and the different abuses it is facing.
Choose the relevant sources to meet your needs
Each company has its own issues depending on its activity and positionning of their business. Nameay will help you select the appropriate sources.
- Domain name : search among domain names registered in the world those which contain your mark, identical or similar.
- Social media : identify the accounts on the main social media that use your brand.
- Images – Logos : Examine the use of your visuals or logos.
- mobile applications : Make sure that mobile apps offered for download do not abuse your brand.
- Search engines : Simulate the most popular requests on search engines.
The audit delivered by Namebay will highlight the different cases which could be a threat to your brand.
Domain name monitoring
Monitor domain name registrations

To protect your brand on internet in the best conditions, it’s necessary to monitor new domain names registrations which potentially can affect your notoriety, your activity, and your results. (parasitism, cybersquatting, typosquatting, …).
For that, Namebay provides an automatized permanent monitoring,
Global, efficient and responsive research
Every day, we retrieve the list of domain names registered with the main registries.
We are looking for recordings that use your trademark identically or similarly, in Latin characters or not.
We identify the owners to allow you to initiate the appropriate actions such as UDRP procedures, transfers, recovery, …
We also offer you a formula in which our experts analyze the raw results.
You receive reports containing only the results that present a risk, associated with recommendations for action.
On demand domain names monitoring
- gTLDs monitoring only : Focalized on generic domain names registrations (gtlds and new gtlds), this monitoring depends on daily registrations by registries.
- gTLDs and ccTLDs monitoring : This option resumes the precedent option extending to the monitoring of ccTLDs.
- Research mode adapted
Identical : identical search regardless of its position in the name
Approaching : phonetic and typographical similarities (adding, suppressing, inversion, character substitution)
Personalized request : we propose Boolean operators and truncation operators to set up the variations of the searched terms.
Sent by e-mail, they are generated in PDF and Excel format and can be sent to several recipients. They contain the list of registered domain names corresponding to the search terms. The domain names are accompanied by whois information.
A history of reports is kept and can be viewed on our platform.
You choose how often to send reports, weekly or daily.
Web Monitoring
Carefully monitor changes to a website

The digital world is in constant evolution and everyday, websites disappear, reappear, change owner, modify their content, etc.
To protect its brand on the Internet in the best conditions, it’s necessary to place under monitoring potentially harmful websites:
- Domain names registered but not used
- Websites which are likely to propose counterfeits
- Deleted content that could reappear
- Modification of the owner of a domain name
- Etc.
Our advanced web monitoring technology is associated to the expertise of Nameshield’s analysts, which monitor the Internet to find out inappropriate contents, comments or affiliation claims on websites throughout the world.
We provide appropriate measures to reduce these risks.
One, two, or three monitoring criteria…
- Status monitoring
A registered domain names can be unused since many months. Be alerted the day a web page is installed. On the contrary, be notified if an active page becomes inactive, possible sign of a prediction of abandonment.
- Content monitoring
Monitor a web page to check if it changes (texts, images, etc.).
Depending on your need, be interested in different points:
- Modification of the web page’s text
- Modification of the visual
- Modification of the redirections chain
- Appearance or disappearance of the keywords linked to your brand
- Surveillance de Whois
Control the Whois information of a domain name: change of the owner or DNS server, the expiration date, etc.